Suggesting New Albums For Chris

I'm sure that you think my collection of albums lacks something; a certain piquancy, a certain variety, a certain number of your favorite essential albums. Here's your chance to change that; just tell me about it. Really.

I pick up most of my albums because of recommendations from people (often on Usenet), so I'm likely to pay attention to you. Tell me about an album, an artist, or a field of music; give me pointers and tell me what it's like, what it's similar to, and why I'll be interested. Then send it off and I'll take a look.

What (artist's) name will I find it filed under?

What's the name of the album?

Give me some comments about it:

Tell me who you are, so I know who's the source of those good recommendations (name, email address, anything unique):

Chris Siebenmann